

if ( !isset( $self ) ) {

$valid = @mysql_fetch_row( @sql_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM peers WHERE torrent=$torrentid AND passkey=" . sqlesc( $passkey ) ) );

if ( $valid[0] >= 2 && $seeder == 'no' )

err( "Connection limit exceeded! You may only leech from one location at a time." );

if ( $valid[0] >= 3 && $seeder == 'yes' )

err( "Connection limit exceeded!" );

$rz = mysql_query( "SELECT id, tlimitseeds, tlimitleeches, tlimitall, uploaded, downloaded, class, downloadpos, parked, enabled FROM users WHERE passkey=" . sqlesc( $passkey ) . "" ) or err( "Tracker error 2" );

$user_q = sql_query("SELECT id, tlimitseeds, tlimitleeches, tlimitall, uploaded, downloaded, class, downloadpos, parked, enabled FROM users WHERE passkey=" . sqlesc( $passkey ) . "") or err("User SQL error. Contact staff.");

if (mysql_num_rows($user_q) > 1) err("Please reset your passkey and re-download all torrent files.. Passkey collision.");

$user = mysql_fetch_assoc($user_q);

// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Stop and register users who cheat w. passkey

$pklength = strlen( $passkey );

if ( mysql_num_rows( $rz ) < 1 || $pklength != 32 ) { // If there was no user found with that passkey, or if passkey is not 32 chars long

if ( $pklength != 32 )

$reason = "Passkey incorrect lenght ($pklength).";


if ( mysql_num_rows( $rz ) < 1 )

$reason = "No user found.";

// Insert into passkeyerr table.

$err = sql_query( "INSERT INTO passkeyerr (added, lastchange, ip, firstpasskey, lastpasskey, firstreason, lastreason, times) VALUES('" . get_date_time() . "', '" . get_date_time() . "', '$ip', " . sqlesc( $passkey ) . ", " . sqlesc( $passkey ) . ", '$reason', '$reason', '1')" );

// If the ip is already regged there, update the post instead, and add + 1 to offences.

if ( !$err ) {

if ( mysql_errno() == 1062 )

mysql_query( "UPDATE passkeyerr SET lastchange = '" . get_date_time() . "', lastpasskey = " . sqlesc( $passkey ) . ", lastreason = '$reason', times = times + 1 WHERE ip = '$ip'" ) or

err( "AC3 - 2 Error. Contact staff." );


err( "AC3 Error. Contact staff." );


// Send an error message to users client, with reason and warning.

err( "Invalid passkey. $reason You might now be IP-banned for misbehaving." );


else if ($user["enabled"] != "yes")

err("Your account has been banned! Delete this torrent from your client. Stop hammering!");

if ( $MEMBERSONLY && mysql_num_rows( $rz ) == 0 )

err( "Unknown passkey. Please redownload the torrent !" );

$az = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rz );


